April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month — a time when dental practitioners and organizations across the U.S. make a special point to raise awareness of the disease, to urge the public to get regular oral cancer screenings, and to self-check between examinations. Early detection saves lives!
At the office of Foundation Endodontics, your oral health is our top priority. We will not only monitor the condition of your teeth and gums, but we’ll perform an entire mouth check to ensure there are no worrisome signs that may indicate oral cancer. But there are things you can do to self-screen on a monthly basis, so that any sign of trouble can be caught at it earliest – and most treatable – stage.
Signs & symptoms to look for:
How to oral cancer self-exam:
The time is now!
At the office of Foundation Endodontics, we believe that preventative care and education are the keys to good oral health. We offer comprehensive endodontic treatments and screenings to help patients preserve their teeth and gums. Our office is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and we have established a reputation for providing the highest quality of care. For more information on our services, give us a call today.